Following the decree of the Emilia Romagna Region, n°87 of 23 May 2020, which authorises the resumption of training activities, ALMA can finally reopen its doors.

Visit our website: in this page we will publish all updates and useful information regarding the resumption of lessons.


Here below, the letter from President & CEO, Enzo Malanca, to all our students.

Dear student,

ALMA is pleased to inform you that, thanks to Regional Ordinance n. 87 of 23 May 2020_ Annex V_ Guidelines for Vocational Training, we will finally be able to resume the practical laboratory teaching in attendance.

It has been a long journey, which kept us engaged in recent months in a close dialogue with the institutions in order to draw up a detailed protocol focused on the protection of the health of ALMA students, staff, guests and suppliers.

Now we are ready to re-start and we ask you to be prepared to return to ALMA to complete your training path.

As far as timing is concerned, we expect to be operational by June 15th, since the restart implies technological interventions on our structure, acquisition of devices, a total revision of the calendars and the confirmation of authorizations concerning the complex where ALMA is located.

In the next days, communications will follow regarding the ways, the times and the rules of the restart.

Therefore, we kindly ask you to wait for our instructions to organize your return to school in order and compliance with regulations, as well as keep yourself informed through our site, constantly updated.

Best regards to you and your family“.

ALMA President & CEO Enzo Malanca


Link to the section  dedicated to the document subscribed to details with sense of responsibility and in clear terms the educational and work life of the School in this re-start landscape.