Culinary Arts Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visiting ALMA

ALMA welcomed the Culinary Arts Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to its headquarters for a meeting with the School board and a Gala Dinner, an appointment part of the follow-up to the participation in Expo 2020 Dubai and the first regional mission to Saudi Arabia in September 2022.
On that occasion, the Emilia-Romagna Region presented to several Saudi entities, such as universities, ministries, and the Culinary Arts Commission itself, with a representation of the regional agribusiness ecosystem, such as Universities and the Clust-ER Agrifood.
After that mission, as a result of the profound interest expressed by the participants, the project of an exploratory visit to our region was born, at the behest of the Culinary Arts Commission, in order to learn about and deepen the region, its culture and products.
Among the meetings on the agenda, those with subjects and actors involved in activities aimed at enhancing the territory and protecting and marketing small and large productions of PDO and PGI products, all along the Via Emilia, from Parma to Romagna.
In addition to representatives from the Region, ART-ER – which coordinated the organization of the visit – Clust-ER Agrifood and Tourism and ALMA, the Culinary Arts Commission delegation also met with Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, the City of Parma, Parma UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy Foundation, Fiere di Parma, Destinazione Turistica Emilia, the University of Parma, a Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium dairy, the Cà Matilde starred restaurant for a show cooking session, Terra di Brisighella cooperative, Casa Artusi Foundation, CERMAC Consortium, Emilia-Romagna Reti di Imprese and FICO Italy World.