Barilla pasta World Championship 2017

The italian food company from 1877, organizes the 6th edition of the “Pasta World Championship”, an international contest that allows the participation of 20 Young professional Chefs. The company celebrates on this occasion its 140 anniversary.
The first selection phase will take place in Milan on 27th and 27th: the Grand Final will be in Parma, the Creative city of Gastronomy by Unesco, on 29th.
Candidates will have to express their vision about the Future of Pasta through their culinary talent: a jury composed of starred Chef coaches will select, from the initial group of 20 participants, the 10 finalists deemed to participate to the final selection.
Only 20 candidates will be admitted: Barilla will be responsible for arranging logistics details (like flights and trasfers when arrived in Italy), and the accomodation in Milan and Parma, as well as raw materials to realize the signature dish during the competition.
The 2016 edition winner is Caterina Amelio, graduated at ALMA in Advanced Course of Italian Cuisine: who will be the next Barilla Pasta Champion?